You see the future as a blank slate.
We help fill it in.
We help fill it in.
The Future Hunters’ Whiteboard program takes your team from information to knowledge, its implications, and finally, the application. Our job – and expertise – is to identify emerging trends that will be important to you before they become part of the cultural and business vernacular. Using our own proprietary filtering techniques, we curate thousands of inputs to define the shape of the future before even the most influential of influentials are able to do so.
Equip yourself with the vision to capitalize on tomorrow’s opportunities.
Optimize your sight-lines to navigate tomorrow’s challenges.
Arm your team with the foresight to build tomorrow’s strategies.

What you get as a whiteboard client
Around 1,000 Curated Abstracts per year
You receive a monthly set of approximately 75 article abstracts. We regularly filter thousands of inputs into roughly 2 hours of reading per month. We do the heavy lifting and save you a tremendous amount of time.
4 Quarterly The Future Hunters Trend Summits per year
You receive 2 seats at each of our quarterly The Future Hunters Trend Summits in NYC, where you can participate in a roundtable discussion of emerging trends, alongside our other clients and influential thought-leaders from a wide variety of sectors and disciplines.
24 White Papers per year
You receive 6 quarterly The Future Hunters White Papers per quarter (24 per year) on emerging trends. These papers are presented at each of The Future Hunters Trend Summits.
The Future Hunters Strategy Factory Session
You receive 1 Strategy Factory session per year, specifically designed and customized for your team, and guaranteed to surface new proprietary ideas, strategies and innovations.
Speaking Engagement
An overview of the future and/or ways of strategically thinking that affect business models, with relevant implications, customized for an audience of your choice (e.g., an annual conference, your team, your Board of Directors, or to one or more of your external clients).
Customized Annual Report
A concise, but comprehensive, annual report on emerging trends identified that year that will most impact you, and the specific implications of those trends on the future of your business.
The Swellness Movement Retreats™
You receive an invitation to each of The Swellness Movement™ retreats. These are our small, exclusive, invitation-only retreats designed to engage participants to imagine future product and service opportunities around specific topics that affect quality of life.
In the last several years, we have…
Created an educational kickoff exercise for the teams that went through P&G’s Clay Street program (the company’s innovative solutions process), resulting in the creating of million of dollars’ worth of business;
“The thinking technologies of The Future Hunters have been extremely useful to us, and we would certainly recommend them to others.”
Claudia Kotchka
Former VP Design Innovation and Strategy, Procter & Gamble
Spurred thinking that has helped transition GE’s healthcare business;
“We exposed many of our people to the thinking technologies, and they have proven extremely useful.”
Beth Comstock
Chief Marketing Officer, General Electric
Ran targeted innovation sessions with PayPal that led to the creation of new consumer-facing mobile money products and new markets;
“A Vitamin B shot to the brain.”
Barry Herstein
Former Chief Marketing Officer, PayPal
Moved the accounting profession to account of intangible assets and the externalities (including environmental consequences) of production.
Suggested a diagnostic tool be developed by a major consulting firm, which has become a mainstay of their business.
What others are saying
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Find out exactly how The Future Hunters’ Whiteboard program gets your team from information to knowledge, its implications, and finally, the application. Download your copy now!